God is real, very real, to hundreds of people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs), gone to heaven, met God in person, and returned to their earthly bodies with vivid memories of their experiences. These stories are powerful evidence that God is real, and you owe it to yourself to view some of these videos selected from YouTube.com.
Many NDEs first experience leaving their bodies, which are lying on operating tables as medical teams work to save their lives. Their spirit bodies rise up to the ceiling of the operating room and they can see and hear everything going on below. Sometimes they can observe family and friends and other people in waiting rooms or other hospital areas. Sometimes they see things that they could not possibly have observed as near-death patients on operating tables, providing further proof that these experiences are indeed real.
Tricia Barker Experiences “An Atomic Bomb of Love and Understanding” Meeting God
This first video is the story of Tricia Barker, who was in her senior year in university in Austin, Texas, when she was involved in a near-fatal wreck near her home. She describes meeting God as receiving “an atomic bomb of love and understanding.” And even though she wanted to stay in heaven, God told her he was sending her back to be a teacher, a career she had not intended because of her desires to be a lawyer and make lots of money. Watch Tricia’s compelling story by clicking on this video:
Peter Panagore Meets God After “Dying” on a Cold Mountain Peak
Peter Panagore has a near-death experience mountain climbing in extremely cold weather. He goes to heaven and meets God, and begs God to let him return to earth so his mother will not experience the pain of losing her son.
“God is Real and Present for Every One of Us,” Says Doctor Who Died
New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Mary Neal, thought near-death experiences could be explained by science until it happened to her. She shares what happened when she drowned, went to heaven, and came back to life.
Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander Tells of His Amazing “Proof of Heaven”
In this intimate and powerful re-examination of his best-selling book “Proof of Heaven,” Dr. Eben Alexander looks at the past two and a half years of his life spent in trying to reconcile his rich near-death experience with contemporary physics and cosmology. He is convinced that his remarkable near-death journey is totally consistent with the leading edges of scientific understanding today.